õlakoostu ülevaatusega artroosi plasmolift
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Plasmolifting. ✿ Plasmolifting (Plazmolifting) - is injection of blood plasma with concentrated platelets. ✿ Referred to as an autologous blood therapy, a person's own platelets containing growth factors are used to stimulate healing of different tissues. ✿ This technique can be effectively applied in various fields of medicine, .Feb 21, 2017 Plasmolifting method is called the modern cosmetology for rejuvenation by injection. A positive effect is observed already after a few days. Procedure applies not only to fix problems on the face, décolletage or neck. She, like plasmapheresis in cosmetics, topical in gynecology, orthopedics, other branches .Plasmolifting - injecting an own blood plasma, rich in thrombocytes, white blood cells, growth factors and stem cells, obtained throug centrifugation.
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